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A Foolproof Guide to Healthy Habits in College

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It is time to begin another year here at the Capstone. Whether it is the beginning of your college career, somewhere in between, or you are nearing the end of this journey, I hope we can all attest that this year is off to a great start.

To keep up this positive mentality, we all must set goals and develop a healthy routine tailored to college life. A healthy lifestyle consists of many factors within our daily lives, including a compilation of habits, such as our study schedules, getting adequate sleep and having a well-balanced diet.

Now, as a senior in college, I can honestly say that these are a massive part of becoming successful in your classes. Since finding the right balance for a healthy college life can be challenging, I want to provide you with some tips on ensuring we are all doing our best to reach our full potential.

1. Create a consistent study routine

Studying can look different for everyone. Some people prefer to study alone, and some may study in groups. You must decide which method works best for you! Some other tips for studying and creating a schedule may include finding an allotted amount of time dedicated strictly to studying. This set aside time is crucial and will help you do your best in all your classes.

Genevieve Carlton wrote a blog on Best Colleges titled “The 11 Best Study Tips for College”. This blog gives college students every tip they need to succeed in the classroom. Here are the 11 study tips listed by Dr. Carlton.

1. Make a study schedule

2. Take notes the right way

3. Think strategically about where to study

4. Join a study group

5. Prioritize comprehension over memorization

6. Incorporate review sessions

7. Identify your study weaknesses

8. Know what to study

9. Plan ahead for exams

10. Take breaks

11. Reach out for help

2. Develop a healthy sleep schedule

Another key aspect of creating a healthy college lifestyle is our sleep schedules. Students struggle to stay focused and concentrate in class without a good night’s rest. The effect of both of those things can cause poor academic performance. We must all make sure that we are acquiring adequate sleep throughout the week to perform to the best of our abilities.

According to the National Society of High School Scholars, sleep quality impacts stress levels, blood pressure, immunity and mental clarity. One of the most important parts of staying healthy in college is getting at least eight hours of sleep every night. Two major key points that this article discusses are turning off screens at least an hour before bed and holding yourself accountable to go to sleep at a decent hour.

3. Strive for a healthy and balanced diet

As college students, we are extremely busy every single day. Therefore, we must provide our bodies with enough food and energy to make becoming successful in college possible.

The National Society of High School Scholars also tells us that, like sleep, a college student’s diet and nutrition can impact everything from physical well-being to our academic performance.

Eating a well-balanced diet is key to making sure that our bodies can withstand our schedules. Each student is different, and there is no one size fits all approach to a healthy diet. However, jump-starting your day with a nutritional breakfast and drinking lots of water is a good place to start.

Juggling school, commitments outside the classroom and a social life can take a toll. Creating a study schedule, getting enough sleep and eating well are all steps that can make it a bit easier. Finding healthy habits that work can take time, but I’ve found it to be well worth the effort.

Written by: Sarah Patton

VP of Publications



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